Student, intern or apprentice?

Find exactly the right career path for you.

As a student, apprentice or intern, you will be fully integrated into the COViS team right from the start. Your tasks will be close to the action and provide you with a genuine and valuable insight into the company. You will work on your tasks independently using your initiative, take part in projects and contribute to a successful workflow.

The COViS testimonials Look behind the scenes beforehand

Simon Pohlenz

Simon Pohlenz

Working Student

Initiative, responsibility and involvement in exciting projects: As a working student in the field of security, Simon can imagine working for COViS after he has finished his studies.

Toni Bommes

Toni Bommes

Salesforce Consultant, dual Student

Exciting Salesforce projects, time for university and, after my bachelor's, a master's. As part of his hybrid course of classroom study and work placement Toni is gathering valuable experience as a Salesforce Consultant.

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Dr. Glinz COVIS GmbH
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40549 Düsseldorf Germany
Phone +49 (0) 211 - 55726-0
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