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We welcome fresh talent! If you like taking on responsibility, have an entrepreneurial mindset, and want to help shape a company and steer it toward success, then you can find the opportunity to do so at COViS – from IT consulting to IT project sales. We value your expertise and well-founded knowledge and look forward to a fruitful working relationship.

The COViS testimonials Look behind the scenes beforehand

Ulrich Jahn

Ulrich Jahn

Head of IT

Whether digital workplace, optimizing infrastructure or cloud computing – our head of IT Ulrich pushes many ideas forward with good humor and expertise at COViS.

Uwe Eilers

Uwe Eilers

Head of Sales & Marketing

Sales representative Uwe seeks out challenges. His goal: to develop Salesforce and make COViS more visible as a company. He employs various measures to do this, including strong social media and e-mail marketing.

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Salesforce partner cpre platinum partner
Dr. Glinz COVIS GmbH
Heerdter Sandberg 32
40549 Düsseldorf Germany
Phone +49 (0) 211 - 55726-0
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