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Artificial intelligence for employee search

In the current issue of the annual special edition "Personalmagazin plus: HR-Software", COViS is represented with an exciting guest article on the topic of AI.

Personalmagazin: Management, Recht und Organisation is considered the highest-circulation specialist magazine for human resources in the German-speaking world. It is aimed at HR and management executives in the business world. In the current issue of the annual special edition Personalmagazin plus: HR-Software, COViS is represented with a guest article on the topic of "Artificial Intelligence for Employee Search".

| The term artificial intelligence usually describes a combination of software and hardware that attempts to simulate human intelligence - for example in the form of decision-making, action execution and learning processes.

HR decision-makers need to read between the lines

Personnel decision-makers are often confronted with complex selection procedures in the course of which they have to make the right decisions according to suitable criteria. This often leads to misjudgements of the applicants, because in addition to the certificates, the less easily measurable soft skills of the candidate also play an important role.

Objective applicant selection can also protect against blind spots

Artificial intelligence with its complex possibilities can provide support here and, for example, analyse data pools, suggest applicants or evaluate campaigns. Ultimately, the use of artificial intelligence in HR departments and personnel consultancies leads to savings in time and money as well as to a higher quality of work. Because:

  • Predictive recruitment takes over the pre-selection of suitable candidates, the personal impression of HR decides on their hiring

  • Artificial intelligence learns from the behaviour of recruiters

  • Analysis tools generate more efficient processes

Great expectations for artificial intelligence

It's not just in recruitment that AI is becoming more and more in demand - in other areas such as customer service it is already impossible to imagine life without its support. Entrepreneurs consider the possible applications of artificial intelligence to be very diverse. According to a survey by Bitkom Research

  • 81% think that AI can take over burdensome tasks in industry.

  • 68% that AI can speed up the completion of administrative tasks.

  • 67% that AI in research can increase innovation.

  • 64% that AI in customer service can handle requests more reliably.

Künstliche Intelligenz unterstützt bei der Mitarbeitersuche

AI relieves us so that we can expand our core human competencies.

Read the entire article on the topic of "Artificial intelligence for employee search" starting on page 24 here.

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