IT Security
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Cloud Computing: Security in Cloud Environments

According to IT professionals, a large part of IT resources will soon be devoted to cloud computing due to the high demand.

Cloud computing is becoming increasingly important for companies

IT professionals expect that a significant portion of IT resources will soon be allocated to cloud computing - including IT security - to ensure reliable protection of processes and data. Learn about what you need to consider when it comes to cloud computing to ensure that your business is well-positioned for the future.

Many companies still approach the cloud with caution

In the US, more than 90% of IT companies have already integrated cloud services into their infrastructure. 73% report that they plan to set up a completely software-based data center in the next two years. Cloud computing is therefore already a central topic for IT decision-makers. However, in practice, there are often initial difficulties when introducing and operating cloud services.

Lack of resources for implementation

Often, for example, the necessary resources and know-how to effectively implement cloud computing are lacking. However, this is necessary in order to keep up with the rapid pace of development that is given in cloud computing. In companies, this often leads to bottlenecks in personnel and the available expertise. As a result, processes are delayed or external resources have to be purchased at high cost.

Security risk interfaces and the like

In order to reliably transfer data to the cloud, powerful interfaces are needed. If these are not sufficiently protected, data leaks and security gaps can occur. Companies are often uncertain about the different usage options and potentials of private, public or hybrid clouds. Issues such as copyright or data ownership can also be a challenge for companies when dealing with cloud computing.

Cloud computing threats: Cyber security and data protection

The biggest reservations about adopting cloud computing relate to the issue of security. According to the study "Building Trust in a Cloudy Sky: The state of cloud adoption and security" by Intel Security, 60% of companies say that this is why they have concerns about moving their processes to the cloud. One reason for this could be a lack of expertise in the relevant technology-related security measures.

Protection needs classification of the cloud

In order to ensure the highest possible level of IT security, there is the protection needs classification in Germany, which takes into account various dangers in cloud operation. The categories are precisely defined by the German Federal Office for Information Security. These include, for example, the risks of data loss and data manipulation. Formal legal requirements are also often underestimated, such as the requirements for IT security procedures and information security management systems (ISO 27001).

Higher IT security in cloud computing through good know-how

To avoid problems when using the cloud and to be able to use the full potential of the possible services, companies should pay attention to the following aspects during integration:

  • Use: Before integration, it must be considered to what extent the company benefits from the fast availability through the cloud applications. What security gaps do the services close? What are the advantages of universal, constantly available access to data for work processes?

  • Interests: What are the infrastructural requirements and the demands on the use of the cloud? What goals is the company pursuing with the integration of services?

  • Performance: Which services should the cloud take over and how can this be adapted to the company's requirements? (Depending on the area of application, the required performance varies.)

  • Professionalism: Is it realistic to achieve these goals with your own resources and expertise, or does it make more sense to rely on professional support?

Get experienced cloud service providers on board

The study by Intel Security shows that external support in particular is used too rarely. More than half of the companies with over 500 employees had to slow down the integration of cloud computing on average because they had problems with security during the introduction. In addition, 36 % of the companies said they lacked the competence to implement it.

Secure cloud with professional support

The simplest way to take advantage of the cloud and ensure easy implementation is to hire professional service providers. In this way, companies circumvent the shortage of skilled workers and benefit from in-depth know-how. In addition, they can focus on their own core competencies without daily tasks suffering. In addition, there is no need to spend time and money on training their own employees in cloud computing.

Conclusion: The advantages of cloud computing outweigh the disadvantages in the long term

Although there are still security concerns when it comes to cloud computing, there is no reason to doubt the sensible use and benefits of the cloud. The IT landscape is constantly changing due to technological progress - and with it its possibilities. Driven by the digital transformation, IT decision-makers are increasingly relying on the advantages of the cloud: performance, scalability, agility and reliability. Companies can meet the challenges of complying with valid and proven security and data protection regulations by using specialised service providers.

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