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Introducing cloud computing into the company

What you have to pay attention to when introducing cloud computing and what advantages the digital transformation has in store for companies.

Cloud computing is on the rise

The majority of German companies are now actively dealing with the topic of cloud computing. Either they are in the planning and implementation stages or they are already using cloud services and technologies in productive operations. The reason: driven by the digital transformation, IT decision-makers are increasingly relying on the advantages of the cloud - performance, agility and reliability.

In practice, there are two core areas: On the one hand, cloud applications that can be flexibly integrated. On the other, entire cloud infrastructures such as Amazon's Web Services (AWS). In both cases, companies are faced with the challenge of checking their own organisation for optimisation potential. Where can costs be saved, where can processes be improved? The main question here is whether the introduction and operation of the cloud should be carried out internally or by external, specialised service providers.

Advantages of the Cloud


The advantages of the cloud are obvious: the possible cost reduction in particular is a decisive aspect for companies. On the one hand, the costs for IT management are significantly reduced through the use of cloud services. Furthermore, companies can access the hardware resources of the cloud provider, so there is no need to invest in their own costly infrastructure. Energy costs and fees for experts are also significantly reduced.

In addition, expensive upgrades for software and hardware are no longer necessary, as these are taken care of by the providers of the respective cloud services or already included in the usage fees. Another advantage is the flexibility of cloud services with regard to the calculation of the services used: companies only pay for the amount of resources actually used and adjust the required cloud services as needed.


Finally, however, the cloud offers above all the possibility to react faster and more agilely to changing market conditions. This is crucial in order to remain competitive through the increased competitive pressure in the context of digitalisation. A cloud infrastructure enables shorter innovation cycles and thus a higher innovation capacity.

Challenges of cloud computing for companies

Setting up a cloud environment is a great opportunity for companies, but it also poses some challenges. As with any business decision, the cost-benefit ratio is a key component. By using a cloud infrastructure, companies do not have to build and operate their own infrastructure. On the other hand, there are increased demands on staff and complexity.

Data security

For example, one of the biggest challenges in cloud operations is data security and the simultaneous observance of data protection requirements. With regard to the data itself, legal requirements for commissioned data processing of German and European data protection law must be observed (among others, those of the EU GDPR as of 25 May 2018). However, the data must also be protected from loss and manipulation in technical and organisational terms. The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) provides information and tips on how to deal with possible risks when operating a cloud.

System integration

Other possible problem areas are the integration of the new cloud services into the company's own IT system environment and the individual configuration of service management processes. It is essential that companies react appropriately to possible failures or prevent them in advance through monitoring, administration and maintenance of the systems used.


Often underestimated are also formal legal requirements, such as the requirements for IT security procedures and information security management systems (ISO 27001). Due to this multitude of challenges, many companies now rely on specialised contractors, which take over the cloud operation.

The advantage of external service providers in cloud computing

Instead of overburdening internal IT with cloud requirements, specialised service providers are increasingly taking over the introduction and operation of a cloud infrastructure. Companies benefit in many ways: They use the advantages of the cloud without having to deal with the challenges. They also save costs, guarantee security and ensure the availability of the solution.

Thus, the internal IT department can dedicate itself to its own core competencies in order to focus on its own innovative capacity and avoid potential resource bottlenecks. The company thus retains control over the entire IT, while the service provider is responsible for operating the infrastructure and applications.

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