COViS News Salesforce
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MEINSERVICE – Salesforce Service Cloud at DHL

On 23 November 2022, the Service Summit took place in Hamburg for the first time. COViS was also represented on the topic of digitalisation in customer service.

The new trade fair and conference for digitalisation and innovation in customer service. Here, Deutsche Post DHL Group (DHL), together with Salesforce, presented the measures they have taken to advance digitalisation in the mail and parcel business and the new opportunities, products and services from which customer service in particular will benefit. As an experienced service provider, COViS supported the technical implementation with the aim of making the services in the area of letters and parcels more user-friendly, the quality standards more transparent and the shipment information more accessible for customers.

Digital customer service at DHL: MeinService with Salesforce

In order to successfully tackle the goals set, Salesforce software was selected together with COViS as a standard solution in order to adapt it to the specific needs of the logistics company in the relevant areas. In this way, DHL has chosen an optimal middle ground between standard and customised software, which combines the advantages of both sides: Cost efficiency through the standard software, which is compatible with all of the company's requirements through the individual customisations.

Chatbot and AI in the digitalisation of customer service

For DHL, digitising its customer service is all about:

  • Effective use of existing data to improve the customer experience

  • Enhancing customer service through chatbots and self-service

  • Facilitating the tracking of mail items via matrix code

  • Leveraging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Salesforce Service Cloud, which is specifically designed for customer service, is able to ideally implement customer requirements. COViS used the existing cloud to develop a digital customer service platform adapted to DHL. This was deeply integrated into the DHL infrastructure and ensures that all employees involved in the delivery process benefit from efficient and simple communication - whether in the parcel centre, in delivery, in the branches or in customer service. The new 360° view of customer concerns means that every employee now has the same information available at all times in order to process a customer concern.

Service Summit Hamburg 2022

At the Service Summit Hamburg, DHL presented the software solution for the new service portal together with Salesforce. The focus was on the requirements for the system and how these were met. You can find the presentation here:

Digital transformation with Salesforce

The desire for digital products and services is increasing. Companies need to adapt and evolve themselves and their customer service to meet these desires. Digital transformation is about integrating technologies and solutions into all areas of the business. Exactly what this looks like varies greatly, because it depends on the individual needs of the industry, the company structures and the customers. However, cloud-based infrastructures, artificial intelligence, machine learning or a comprehensive CRM system are often used.

Digital customer service with Salesforce CRM

These technologies are combined at Salesforce by creating a software solution for customer relationship management in all departments. This enables comprehensive customer care at all levels. Marketing as well as sales, customer service and retail access the same data and are accordingly able to look after customers. This enables higher customer loyalty and satisfaction. The advantage: With Salesforce, not individual, small areas, but comprehensively and holistically all company structures are digitalised. It is important to take into account already established work processes and individual requirements.

This is how COViS supports you with the Salesforce implementation

The COViS developers work out these requirements together with the companies. From this, an impression of the factors that are relevant for the selection, development and implementation of a software emerges. Based on this, it becomes clear what a suitable guideline for the digital transformation of the company looks like. For example, it is important to check whether a standard solution already meets the requirements or whether it should be individually adapted. The developers of COViS advise you on the decision and support you with their technical know-how.

Digitisation in customer service: Individual software vs. standard software

Often, standard software provides a good framework for the digital transformation of a company, as is evident in the project for DHL. The advantages: In most cases, standard packages are more cost-effective. If a similar product has already been used, companies know what they are getting into. However, individual adaptations are usually necessary in order to map one's own work processes in the software. COViS therefore weighs up together with the company where standard software is sufficient and in which areas customisation is important. As a certified Salesforce partner, we know what options are available and when which solution is the right one. You can find out more about individual and standard software in the text on our congress presentation „Digital Transformation 2022”.

Service Summit Hamburg: The opportunities in digital customer service

The Service Summit shows the importance of digitalisation in customer service for customer satisfaction and services. Salesforce, DHL and COViS are a good example of what successful cooperation looks like and what opportunities exist in digital customer service. With COViS, you have a qualified partner at your side who has extensive and long-standing experience in the digitalisation of processes. Together with you, we will find the right solution for your company.

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