IT Security
~5 min read

Software Security: 4 Important Trends

Security gaps, data leaks etc: software security is increasingly on the agenda of IT decision-makers and also plays a central role in software development. If the software is developed as securely as possible through early analyses, security tools and the optimisation of processes, it is protected against cyber attacks in productive operation. Appropriate security measures improve integrity, authenticity and availability. The following four software security trends are particularly recommended for the development and operation of secure applications.

Trend 1: DevOps for Software Security

DevOps is one of the most important areas when it comes to application security. This is because it is an approach to process improvement that has evolved from the two areas of software administration and software development. The goal of DevOps: better cooperation between developers, software operators and quality assurance.

Integrate DevOps principles early

One trend in this context is the increasingly earlier integration of security measures in the development phase, so that the software is given a strong foundation and functions more securely as a result. In addition, security tools, which are crucial for the secure development of software, are made more user-friendly. This way, developers can process the information from such tools correctly and efficiently without having to be security professionals.

Trend 2: Collaboration between DevOps and security teams

Effective collaboration between DevOps and security teams is an important foundation for developing secure software. DevOps teams are usually more interested in developing new features as fast as possible. Security teams instead focus on delivering the software without vulnerabilities - regardless of how long it takes to fix such deficiencies. Training the teams can help resolve this conflict of goals and interests. This ensures software security without reducing the ability to innovate quickly.

IT Security Training for Software Security

Companies are increasingly investing in such internal security training in order to better educate and align their teams. In 2016, the expenditure for security training measures rose sharply. The trend towards more security training will also continue in the coming years, for example IT security in the Cloud.

Trend 3: IT security software such as Containers and Docker

Another development in the context of secure software is the use of so-called containers. A software container is an executable, virtual operating system with low system requirements. Containers can scale the software as desired without being subject to any restrictions of a virtual machine or a physical computer. This enables more flexible and agile software development.

Containers in IT: Open Source Software "Docker"

In this context, there is also frequent talk about "Docker". Docker is an open source software that simplifies the deployment of applications. Containers that contain all the required software packages ready configured can be transported and installed more easily as files. On the target systems, the containers efficiently share the operating system and infrastructure via the Docker software.

Software Security: Advantages of Containers in IT

Containers offer various advantages with regard to the security of software. For example, installation and configuration of the software can be encapsulated in the container and automatically transferred to the target system. A system that has been optimised and tested for security risks can thus be transported as desired - without having to accept the need for renewed installation and configuration and the associated possibility of errors.

Another advantage of containers lies in the encapsulation of applications in a self-contained unit. Because the isolation of individual applications reduces the risk that successful attacks can be easily transferred to other applications. Since, in contrast to earlier virtualisation technologies, containers do not contain the operating system itself, the range of attacks is automatically limited.

Trend 4: Identifying and closing zero-day gaps at an early stage

A zero-day gap is a gap in the software that is used for attacks shortly after it is found (zero-day exploit). A zero-day vulnerability is often triggered by error-prone code. Nowadays, cyber attacks can be intercepted in many cases by security tools (e.g. firewalls, anti-malware). However, attackers increasingly try to exploit vulnerabilities in the parts of a software that must be publicly accessible due to the purpose of the application.

Prevent zero-day hack through security measures

It is therefore all the more important to apply security measures early on during software development. In this way, error patterns that result in gaps in these parts can be recognised and remedied at an early stage. The zero-day exploits mentioned can also be effectively countered by development and operations acting together in the event of an incident and quickly taking suitable countermeasures. These include targeted IT forensics and the prompt provision of improved software.

Software Security Standards: Providing resources

Software development is essential for organisations and companies in many sectors today. In the past, hardware was often the focus of IT considerations, but today organisations are shifting more and more resources to the development of modern software. In this context, the issue of security is playing an increasingly important role. Possible security gaps in a single application can be the gateway for cyber attacks into the entire architecture of a company.

Conclusion: Early and preventive IT security pays off

Companies are facing new challenges in making software secure during development. These include the use of agile development methods, especially through the introduction of DevOps, better collaboration between DevOps and security teams, the use of containers and the early closure of zero-day gaps.

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