Salesforce CRM Bettertext
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Improving Sales Efficiency: Overcoming Challenges in Customer Communication

In sales, there are many levers that companies can adjust to increase their efficiency and thus their revenue. Given rapid technological innovations, you should regularly assess whether you are optimally positioned in all areas with regard to your sales efficiency — or if there are areas where processes could be significantly optimized through automation. Learn in this blog post how to improve your customer communication in sales using innovative tools and thereby become significantly more efficient.

What is Sales Efficiency?

Sales efficiency essentially refers to the speed at which a sales department can complete its tasks. It is an important indicator for decision-makers, as sales efficiency clearly indicates how much financial and time investment has been made to achieve a specific sales goal.

Sales efficiency is calculated by dividing the gross income in a specific period by all expenses for sales (such as wages, technologies, training). The result represents sales efficiency in percentage. So, for example, if a company invested €50,000 in its sales department in a quarter and made €250,000 profit, its sales efficiency would be 5, or 500 percent.

Sales efficiency is not only an important success factor for companies in terms of their growth and revenue goals. The shortage of skilled workers in sales will continue to worsen in the coming years and in many cases can only be compensated by higher efficiency.

Companies Must Automate Customer Communication in Sales

Product quality alone is no longer decisive for customer satisfaction and loyalty. Communication with the customer is becoming increasingly important. Those who offer their customers excellent service in all phases of the customer lifecycle have a good chance of leaving a lasting impression and laying the foundation for long-term relationships.

As customer communication is now largely digital and takes place across numerous channels, there are now a variety of software tools that ensure the necessary efficiency at various levels. It's no wonder, as the number of customer inquiries is constantly growing, and in sales, customer contact is one of the most important success factors.

The challenge is to react quickly and individually to each contact or proactively establish contact with potential customers. Automation tools like Bettertext are designed to achieve this goal: using text templates, for example, offers are created in a fraction of the time it takes for a sales expert to formulate a new text. The templates can be flexibly adapted to industry- and company-specific requirements.

The Benefits of Automated Customer Communication

The benefits of automated customer communication can not only be enjoyed by customers but also by the companies that implement them. Time savings for customers also mean time savings for the sales department and thus more sales efficiency. For sales and service departments, the number of time-consuming tasks is reduced, ensuring excellent customer communication. The time gained can be used more effectively for tasks that cannot be automated. This also allows customers to be addressed better and more individually, further strengthening customer satisfaction and loyalty.

This is made possible by a technological infrastructure consisting of solutions for automated text generation, personalized email marketing, and other sales tools. Often, a CRM platform like Salesforce forms the foundation, which is then expanded with tools like Bettertext, creating a comprehensive and unified solution for the individual challenges in sales and many other business areas.

Success Factor Customer Contact: How Bettertext Ensures More Sales Efficiency

High sales efficiency means achieving goals with the least effort possible without compromising on quality. Those who work in sales know how long it can take to completely reformulate sales emails or offers with the necessary precision. This is exactly where Bettertext comes in.

COViS customers have been able to accelerate their customer communication by 40 percent compared to other software-assisted communication processes through the use of Bettertext. This is made possible by the well-structured and intuitively operable interface, which is based on existing CRM and common word processing solutions. This concept simplifies operation for the user and significantly shortens training times.

Instead of reformulating emails every time, sales representatives use text templates from Bettertext, making them almost twice as efficient. Specifically, for example, for a company with 200 sales employees, there is a potential saving of around 45,000 working hours and €840,000 per year. Bettertext is scalable for various company sizes and supports sales activities at the enterprise level with several thousand users and the highest communication volume.

Automating Text Generation with Bettertext

We have designed Bettertext with the aim of providing companies with an effective and easy-to-implement automation solution for text generation in sales. The focus is on ease of use, a clearly structured user interface, and quick onboarding. This ensures more sales efficiency with Bettertext in no time.

The application possibilities of Bettertext are essentially unlimited when it comes to automated text generation: the solution can be individually tailored to the specific requirements of each company. Bettertext can be used to increase efficiency in all business areas where significant effort is put into text generation for customer communication.

Integrating Customer Communication into CRM

At a certain company size, complex systems for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) are usually used. These offer the advantage of comprehensive functionality for many areas of digital customer communication.

Optional solutions for specific areas such as our text automation tool Bettertext can be easily integrated into existing CRM platforms such as Salesforce. This approach offers the advantage of a unified view of all CRM-relevant information. This ensures fast and accurate customer contact, a low error rate, and ultimately higher sales efficiency.

Conclusion: Digital Customer Communication Works Only with the Right Tools

Contemporary sales only work with strong automation tools. These ensure that each individual customer receives offers and information quickly and personalized, tailored to them. This not only significantly increases the conversion rate but also improves sales efficiency and thus leads to better business figures. Bettertext, with features such as automated workflows, flexible text templates, comprehensive security features, and easy integration into CRM systems like Salesforce, is the first choice for all decision-makers who want to increase their sales efficiency through automated text generation.

COViS is a certified Salesforce partner with many years of experience in integrating new software solutions into existing CRM infrastructures. Our experts are available to assist you in every phase of the implementation of Bettertext and ensure that the solution seamlessly integrates into your existing CRM system without technical complications.

For almost 40 years, COViS has been supporting companies of all sizes in overcoming challenges in sales through innovative and tailored software solutions. Feel free to contact our experts at any time to find a solution for your individual challenges.

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