Robert Klasen

IT Consultant

Robert Klasen

No Club Mate? Not the case for Robert. He came to COViS quite by chance in 2016 and values the complexity of the projects above all. His goal? To further develop and grow aiFind.

Read the interview

What exactly do you do at COViS and since when?

I have been employed at COViS since January 1st, 2016 as an IT consultant. I quickly took on the role of a product owner (on the development side) and now work as a project and product manager and look after our product aiFind.

Why did you choose COViS?

That was a fun coincidence. One of our managing directors told me in an interview that COViS is looking for new consultants and that we should meet again. Since I was becoming increasingly dissatisfied with my old employer in Düsseldorf due to the lack of opportunities for advancement, I sought an interview and finally decided on COViS. Because I "knew" our managing director in advance, I had no fears about switching from a group to a medium-sized company.

What does a normal working day look like for you?

Always different. After I got a bottle of mate from the fridge and worked through my e-mails, every working day has flown and is always different. I don't see a routine in my everyday work, because every day is peppered with other appointments and challenges where I can develop and learn.

What kind of projects are you working on right now?

I currently maintain the products aiFind and Aquabytes and am very happy with them. Above all, the complexity in aiFind inspires me. In addition to product development, our tasks include marketing and sales, and there are always new projects that enrich the product's range of functions. The management between the individual task areas is challenging and motivating at the same time, since I get all the freedom I need to get the product "on the road".

How did your colleagues welcome you?

Very friendly. One of my colleagues said to me on my first day: "If you haven't found an answer to your question after ten minutes, just ask." The willingness and collegiality is great. Likewise the open failure culture. It's not bad at all if a mistake is made. The best thing is that we learn from mistakes to avoid them in the future. This also works great with COViS.

What should an applicant bring to work at COViS?

Creativity and the will to change or digitize something. The professional and technical expertise comes all by itself when applicants approach the next challenge smartly and cleverly.

Do you have opportunities for further education?

I finished an extra-occupational master’s degree in “Business Consulting & Digital Management” at the FOM University of Economics and Management. COViS finances the studies while I commit myself to COViS for a short period after the studies. For me it was a matter of honor, as I don't intend to leave COViS in the near future, especially since there are opportunities for development and I just enjoy the working environment.

What framework conditions are created so that the employees feel comfortable?

In fact, everything that should be state-of-the-art by now: drinks, fruit baskets, table football, cereals, joint celebrations, job bikes, trust-based working hours, etc. As an employee, it is possible to make suggestions that are jointly agreed and implemented. My last success was that the popular Hackerbrause Club-Mate found its way into COViS. ;-) Otherwise, it means taking the initiative, simply daring and doing it.

What are your visions for your professional future at COViS?

With aiFind I want to penetrate the recruiting market and make the product "big". I think that's pretty good for me too. ;-) Have your expectations been met? In any case. At that time I would never have thought that aiFind would develop so well and that we could develop such a professional product that is up to date and has its finger on the market.

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