Sustainability Salesforce
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More sustainability with the Salesforce Net Zero Cloud

Track environmental data and reduce emissions sustainably: With the Net Zero Cloud from Salesforce, companies get the right IT solution.

Keeping an eye on and managing the effects of one's own actions is an important part of everyday business for companies. The ongoing global climate debate makes it clear that companies must actively contribute to achieving a way of working that complies with human rights and is environmentally friendly. One step towards sustainability is the Salesforce Net Zero Cloud: on a data-based foundation, strategic decisions can be made that lead to the reduction of the ecological footprint and the achievement of set environmental goals.

What is Salesforce's Net Zero Cloud?

The cloud software combines the two major social issues of digitalisation and sustainability. Direct and indirect CO₂ emissions, other greenhouse gases released, water and waste consumption and other relevant factors are systematically recorded, evaluated and continuously monitored. This is a task that requires a great deal of work for many companies and can be conveniently handled by the Salesforce solution. When companies realise that they are responsible for their climate-related actions, the topic becomes increasingly important. The Net Zero Cloud supports companies in assuming this responsibility and implementing their sustainability strategy in the best possible way.

Net Zero Cloud: Your advantages at a glance

Using Net Zero Cloud brings a number of benefits to users - from ease of use to improving the carbon footprint of businesses. Detailed information on all the features and benefits of the cloud software is available here.

Less work for your company

Specific dashboards and transparent reporting facilitate regular use for users. A visual representation of the company data also allows direct measures to be derived and decisions to be made that are necessary for optimising the climate footprint. Thanks to the clarity of the data and the central administration via the Net Zero Cloud, companies save themselves unnecessary administrative effort.

Manage and optimise carbon footprint

Fewer emissions and better climate neutrality can only be achieved if companies know where high values arise and how they can counteract them. To this end, the Net Zero Cloud can be used to display these areas with filters such as locations or regions and to develop specific strategies for savings. With Salesforce Automation, integrated workflow management is also possible, so that tasks and alerts are triggered as soon as the task changes status. Thanks to the digital system and an optimised procedure, data does not have to be tracked manually - and companies benefit from up-to-date reporting at all times.

Faster decision making through data visualisation and dashboards

The Net Zero Cloud enables the presentation of climate-relevant data in clear dashboards. The Climate Action Dashboard, for example, visualises the entire ecological footprint of the company and thus also shows potential savings. With far-reaching representations and visualisations of data, it thus becomes much easier for companies to make the right decisions.

Climate awareness as a competitive advantage

In addition to the obvious benefits for the global climate, companies can also use the collected data from the Net Zero Cloud for their own competitive advantage. Investors, customers and job applicants are increasingly looking to see whether a company is environmentally conscious and is pursuing and adhering to sustainability goals. Therefore, good and meaningful reporting contributes to a positive image and ensures that the company remains competitive. Especially with young talent and a younger target group, this is an increasingly important point that should be taken into account.

Deep Dive into the Net Zero Cloud – with Sustainability Reports to more sustainability

The Net Zero Cloud can contribute to meeting corporate sustainability goals in the long run. To do this, it is important to understand how it works and how it is built.

Functionality and structure of the Salesforce Net Zero Cloud

The principle of the cloud is relatively simple: all data relating to energy, water, waste consumption and co. are recorded centrally in one place. Indirect, direct and proportional emissions are all taken into account to ensure an accurate calculation. The data is offset against reference data as a basis so that it is included correctly and accurately. This reference data comes from datasets from the US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), EIA (Energy Information Administration), BEIS and GHG (Greenhouse Gas), the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and other qualified organisations. The updates of the data sets as "data on time" ensure that users of the Net Zero Cloud are always up to date with the latest knowledge.

Both in the technology used and in its structure, the Salesforce Net Zero Cloud is similar to other clouds from the Salesforce Eco system, such as the Sales and Service Clouds. This is reflected in a very similar user interface, the use of the same standard components as well as the connectivity of the clouds and thus has the advantage that they are compatible with each other. In addition, training is uncomplicated and the other clouds can be combined and used in a targeted manner.

Other features of the Net Zero Cloud

In addition to the functions already mentioned, the Net Zero Cloud offers further features: Water Tracking and Waste Management provide a holistic overview of the consumption and savings potential of companies. Science-based targeting and emissions forecasting support companies in achieving the specified emissions targets. In addition, integrated supplier management ensures that the supplier processes with the highest emissions are recorded.

Our approach to implementing the Net Zero Cloud

In order for the Net Zero Cloud to be used to its full extent, the implementation will be carried out step by step.

  • Step 1: Set up the cloud. The Net Zero Cloud is set up according to the systems. The first general system settings are made here.

  • Step 2: Evaluate emission factors. In order to find out where emission sources exist within the company (operating sites, vehicle fleets, electricity and water consumption, etc.), a detailed analysis of all potential sources is carried out.

  • Step 3: Collect emissions data. All relevant data contributing to the company's emissions are evaluated and entered into the Net Zero Cloud. This creates the data basis for all further steps.

  • Step 4: Import data. The emissions data is then transferred to the Net Zero Cloud for further analysis.

  • Step 5: Creation of the data sets. Within the Net Zero Cloud, clearly defined data sets are created that organise the emissions data and prepare it for further processing.

  • Step 6: Calculation of data sets and emissions. Scientific data sets are used to produce comprehensive calculations of the company's environmental impact. COViS helps to understand how these calculations and scientific data work.

  • Step 7: Data visualisation. Detailed reports and dashboards are created from the calculations, which effectively support the evaluation of the collected emissions data.

Net Zero Cloud FAQ:

Here you will find frequently asked questions about the Salesforce Net Zero Cloud.

What is the difference between Net Zero and climate neutrality?

Climate neutrality means that there is a balance between the emissions caused and the emissions avoided. To calculate the emissions caused, all direct and indirect emissions must be taken into account. However, the Net Zero concept goes beyond climate neutrality: a minimum CO₂ reduction target is set and climate protection projects are expanded.

For which companies is the Net Zero Cloud suitable?

The Net Zero Cloud is used by all companies that want to improve their carbon footprint. The data can be collected for internal use only, but can also be given to customers and business partners. By using this cloud, companies achieve an improved structure and availability of their emissions data. Even for smaller companies, the Net Zero Cloud can offer a decisive advantage across industries and companies: It ensures greater transparency, a better image and can provide applicants with a basis for deciding whether to work for the company.

What are the legal requirements to be observed?

In these cases, according to the CSR Directive, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) exists. In politics, the focus is increasingly moving towards climate awareness, so it is not unlikely that smaller companies will also be obliged to prepare sustainability reports in the future. Those who create the basis for this at an early stage with the appropriate software will benefit from a reduced workload in the long term.

Conclusion: A better carbon footprint with Salesforce

Today, environmental protection is more important than ever and presents companies with the challenge and obligation to act in a climate-friendly manner. In order to keep an eye on one's own emissions and to be able to identify savings potentials, the right technical support is needed. With the Net Zero Cloud, relevant data can be collected, analysed and reported. COViS can support you in the introduction and operation of Net Zero so that you can make a sustainable contribution to more climate protection. With the Salesforce Net Zero Cloud, companies are able to act economically, climate and environmentally conscious in the long term.

For more information about the Net Zero Cloud, download our free guide!

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