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CRM implementation: Here's how we proceed

A 360-degree view of customer interactions is becoming increasingly important for companies. CRM systems then provide more transparency and optimised processes.

This is because customers increasingly expect individualised offers, customer service that is available around the clock and personal advice. If this is missing, the switch to the competition is often not far away. CRM systems provide a remedy here. But how can the right partner for CRM implementation be found? And which functions are important in a comprehensive CRM system?

Requirements for a modern CRM system

Before the customer relationship management system (CRM system) can be implemented, every company must of course decide on one. With the many providers of CRM systems on the market, this is not an easy decision. What is important? Which functions are important? What does my company need? The right decision lays the foundation for the CRM system to be meaningfully integrated into work processes and later used by employees. We reveal more about what matters in detail in terms of the requirements in our blog post.

3 tips for a successful CRM implementation

When implementing a CRM system, it is not only important to have powerful software, but also transparent communication and the right support for employees. This is because the implementation is usually accompanied by the adaptation of workflows. Therefore, it is important to consider a few things from the outset:

1. The right project management:

The introduction of new software should be well coordinated from the beginning to ensure broad support within the company and to approach the implementation in a structured way. Who is the contact person for questions? Who is responsible for meeting deadlines? Who coordinates the implementation?

2. Provide training:

Not every employee already has experience in working with CRM systems. Some quickly find their way around the new application on their own, while others need a little more familiarisation time and support. For this reason, it is important to ensure that everyone involved has the same level of knowledge in order to work with the new system in the long term. Training helps to break down inhibitions and consolidate acquired knowledge. Some software providers also provide good to very good learning platforms for users to learn independently and at their own pace, for example Salesforce Trailhead.

3. Develop a CRM strategy:

In order to support the employees sufficiently and not throw them in at the deep end with the introduction of the new CRM software, the definition of the new work processes is an important part of the implementation. With the new system, the focus moves even more towards the customers - this must also be supported in the corporate philosophy. This does not necessarily require a time-consuming and costly change management project. An experienced implementation partner is available during the course of the project with appropriate methods, tips and tricks and can provide targeted support for acceptance and the associated success.

Selecting the right implementation partner

How successful a CRM implementation is depends on various factors. Therefore, the decision on who to commission with the implementation should also be well considered. In doing so, companies can pay attention to various points that make it easier for them to choose the right partner. A well-positioned and professional team of experts is characterised by the following features:

Experience in CRM implementations

An experienced service provider knows about the challenges associated with a CRM implementation and offers practical assistance. Especially when it comes to choosing the right software and the associated design options, service providers who have many years of in-depth knowledge are recommended.

Custom CRM Integration: Focus on the customer

The CRM implementation partner should focus on the customer and their individual requirements and needs – and not on the software itself. These requirements can be identified, for example, in a workshop. Appropriate questions are, for example:

  • What are the goals of the CRM implementation?

  • What resources does the implementation require internally in the company as well as externally?

  • What organisational adjustments need to be made?

In requirements engineering, the consultants go into detail on these points and determine the requirements. In the process, uncomfortable questions are also asked, which not only focus on the "what", but also on the "why". In this way, simpler and more efficient solutions can be identified if necessary. In this way, the optimal CRM system is found and individual requirements can be taken into account at an early stage. The customers receive a system that is a perfect fit and the service provider benefits from satisfied customers.

Know-how and technical skills

In order to create a customised software solution, good communication skills are necessary in addition to technical skills. In initial meetings, it is found out and discussed which functions the customer misses in his previous systems and which tasks are to be handled via the new system. Open communication and a close exchange at eye level are important for the CRM implementation to be successful. Certified requirements engineers have a corresponding toolbox that facilitates the selection of the optimal solution.

CRM system setup

Every company already has established work processes when a CRM system is introduced. Standard software therefore usually forms a good basis, but is not always adaptable to all work processes. However, this is important in order to seamlessly map existing and functioning processes. The solution to this is customising the chosen standard software. A good CRM implementation partner advises companies on where customising makes sense and where it is appropriate to keep the software standard and adapt processes. This is always an individual decision that should be coordinated with the stakeholders concerned.

Holistic CRM integration

CRM implementation alone is not enough, because the software must be maintained in the long term. A service provider who also offers managed services can ensure that the systems are available at all times. Faults are dealt with and rectified within the agreed time frame and the customer can concentrate fully on his core business. If the responsibilities between internal IT and the service provider are clearly defined, nothing stands in the way of smooth operation.

CRM security: Compliance with security-relevant standards

A system as central as a CRM solution must of course comply with all security-relevant standards. This concerns a wide variety of areas such as data storage, compliance with data protection regulations, but also a functional information security management system (ISMS). Especially with cloud solutions, which are rather standard today, there are a number of points to be considered. An experienced and possibly certified service provider with proven security experts can provide support and security in many areas.

How COViS supports you with the CRM implementation of Salesforce & Co.

For a successful implementation, all requirements are collected, analysed and prioritised at the beginning via requirements engineering. In this way, a very precise picture is defined, the customer's goals are scrutinised and a precise roadmap for the course of the project is created. The individual work steps are processed in sprints of usually two to three weeks, with a verifiable result at the end of each sprint. This ensures that the project is always oriented towards the specified goals. In this way, deviations are detected at an early stage to avoid costly and time-consuming corrections later on.

The continuous involvement and consultation of all relevant stakeholders leads to the result being accepted and willingly used by a broad base. For this purpose, the stakeholders are trained and briefed already during the course of the project. This has the advantage that they contribute with their knowledge even before the rollout for a smooth takeover of the system into operation and later serve as contact persons for questions and simple problems. COViS also takes care of the integration of other relevant peripheral systems, such as ERP solutions, and brings in deep expertise in the area of integration as well as the required methods and tools. The users then have a "single source of truth" and can centrally access all information and data from a wide range of systems. If desired, COViS remains on board after successful integration and ensures smooth and secure operation.

CRM Implementation: Our Conclusion

As a certified Salesforce implementation partner, we support companies from a wide range of industries in the introduction of CRM systems. Expediency and the customer's requirements are the focus: we do not simply implement, but advise our customers comprehensively so that an efficient and economical solution is created. Our hybrid-agile approach guarantees that initial results are usable at an early stage and can be made available to the team. Thus, the investment is partly amortised already in the course of the project by providing the employees with better information on their own customers, simplifying processes and (partially) automating routine tasks.

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